By now most of you know that Renita's primary work in Liberia is to support and act as consultant and acting director for LEAD, inc. LEAD stands for Liberian Entrepreneurial and Asset Development, and offers a 36 hour business management course as well as a matching loan program to help small to medium sized business grow. Starting off in the capital, Monrovia, the plan is to become national, with branch offices addressing the needs in each of Liberia’s 15 counties. LEAD continues to garner attention as the "little NGO that could" from big organizations like the UN, the World Food Programme and the Liberian government. More to the point, LEAD has offered substantive business training to hundreds of Liberians, loaned tens of thousands of dollars to strengthen businesses and create new jobs.
In February 2007, LEAD opened a satellite office to the southeast, in the Grand Bassa County seat of Buchanan. The Buchanan branch is operating well, offering the same training and loans that the Monrovia office provides.
Now, Renita and the LEAD team is traveling back and forth to the Northeast, to the Bong County capital of Gbarnga (Bang-ga). Working closely with Liberian Senator Franklin Saikor, LEAD has secured an office and is in the process of hiring staff.
In February 2007, LEAD opened a satellite office to the southeast, in the Grand Bassa County seat of Buchanan. The Buchanan branch is operating well, offering the same training and loans that the Monrovia office provides.
Now, Renita and the LEAD team is traveling back and forth to the Northeast, to the Bong County capital of Gbarnga (Bang-ga). Working closely with Liberian Senator Franklin Saikor, LEAD has secured an office and is in the process of hiring staff.

Getting oriented-- LEAD has offices in Monrovia and Buchanan-- Gbarnga (red arrow) is next.
Meeting witha women's group in Gbarnga-- very excited about LEAD coming.
Weather: Hot and dry, with moderate levels of humidity. Little night time breezes, with light and variable easterly winds throughout the day. No rain in a week.
Our church (La Grange Christian Assembly [LCA] in La Grange, IL: has been partnering with Kingdom Harvest Ministries (KHM) in Liberia which has a number of churches under it. I was recently in Liberia on a mission trip and saw the great need for an entrepreneurial microfinance loan program (e.g. like among the members of the several KHM congregations. I originally thought that KHM could be a Kiva Field Partner but from looking at the partnering qualifications that doesn't seem possible at this time.
I see on your December 10, 2007 blog that you are engaged in microfinance activities in Liberia with a program called LEAD (Liberian Entrepreneurial and Asset Development).
Is it possible that we can hook up KHM with the LEAD program? Or is there some way you could help facilitate LEAD or a similar group to become a Field Partner under Kiva so that we can assist KHM and their country to rise from the poverty and despair engendered by their 14 year civil war? I am hoping we can help KHM in some way. I really want to see them succeed. Is there any way to make this happen?
BTW – My pastor, Hal Kooistra, grew up in the Dutch Christian Reformed Church in California and attended Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI. He suggested I contact you as he is deeply engaged in our Liberia missions activity having now been to Liberia twice himself.
Hi Gary, thanks for your comment. I would be happy to respond to you but I need an email address. I looked on your website but could not find one. Please email me at
Thanks, Renita Reed
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