Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Short Breather

Weather: Mostly sunny and humid during the day, some wind and thunderstorms at night. High temps in the mid 90's and humid, temps in the upper 70s at night.

This round of guests is back in the States, and we await round three, arriving Sunday night. We look forward to visitors coming for many reasons, and when the visitors leave we look forward to returning to the Liberian version of "Reed Normal" for other reasons. So we have a week of rest and catching our breath. For the Reeds, this means:

Tuesday morning-- its good to have mom back teaching math.

Yers Trooly getting ready for his class at MPCHS. Here consulting with Sr. Barbara.

Afternoon is water pumping time, every day. The kids find a way to make the time more than a chore. Noah plays the palm branch guitar with foot resting on Spunky while Eastman drums and Enoch dances-- all for their hardworking audience-- Hannah and Trokon at the pump.

At Dusk, Noah is off, somewhere in the neighborhood playing. In this case, it was not baseball-- they were imagining themselves as UN Peacekeepers.

Another activity we've been working at: teaching 13 year old Hannah to drive. She's making a tight right-hand turn. Noah on her right and Eastman off camera on her left act as traffic cones, so I'm standing there to prevent the cones being run over.

A dad teaching his daughter to drive. In the words of Tevia, "Where is the little girl I carried?"