Monday, January 23, 2006

What Are We Doing Here, part 2

This week finds a couple of new activities on our work list. Renita has started the LEAD series of twelve weekly workshops for the twenty-five business owners that were accepted into this round of the program. Businesses involved range from bread making to steel work, from construction to solar lights, from hair salons to tailoring, from soap making to wood carving. Potential new jobs as a result of loans from LEAD will be around 130. She took some shots of some of her co-presenters—hopefully next week she will get someone to take a pic of her in action in front of the class.

I and Noah are off to the interior, Gbarnga in Bong County, to be exact. I will be attending a three day workshop starting Monday the 23rd with some of Mother Patern College’s partners, and I thought Noah might like to tag along and see some of the country. He’ll have school work and I’ll bring my laptop to keep him occupied on the compound where we are staying while I’m workshopping a few yards away. The purpose of the workshop will be to more clearly define the psychosocial training needs of our partners so that I and others can design programs to meet each organization’s respective needs. I will have images of the landscape and our time upon my return.

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