Friday, May 13, 2005


Bob Reed here. Life at Eastern Mennonite University has a definite rhythm that I'm adjusting to. If fact I need the rythm because because it is something I can hold as familiar in a place where so much is different. There are 99 students here from 35 countries-- countries in significant turmoil. I am one of the few Americans, and I think I have less experience in the kind of work I want to do than anyone here. But everyday we hold classes from 8:30am to 5:00pm. Everyday, I see the same 15 faces. And even though they are from Syria, and Palestine, and Israel, and Iraq, and Nepal, and Bangeldesh, and Lesotho, and Australia via Colombia, I feel like I'm getting into the groove of being here. I still don't mingle much. I'm pushing myself to mingle more. I don't do introductory chat well, but it is necessary so some.

I miss the family. They are in Grand Rapids organizing and preparing-- an enormous task. Soon, Renita and the kids will be writing, and that will add spice to the spin.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

May God bless you and your family as your prepare to come to Liberia.